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How to Build a Strong Brand Identity

Brand identity is a way to determine the impression of the audience about your brand. So creating a strong brand identity is one of the most important missions you need to care about in your marketing steps. In this article I will talk with you about all details you must know about brand Identity like:

  • What is brand identity?
  • Why You Need Your brand Identity To Grow?
  • What are the elements of brand identity?

What is brand identity?

Brand Identity is all visual elements of the brand like colors you use with pictures and designs, the company's logo, shapes you use with your designs, business cards, your brand materials..etc.

All of these elements create the brand identity which is responsible for creating the brand image. For example: if you want the brand image to be serious as your target audiences are businessmen and your industry is life insurance, you need to use formal fonts like serif, need to design your logo using solid colors for example and you can't use funny shapes. All of these elements you have to take care of choosing to draw the brand image which expresses your industry.


Why You Need Your brand Identity To Grow?

Many reasons make building brand identity is so important like:

  • Drawing the brand image: as we said, brand identity is the key factor to build your brand image. This brand image is responsible for audiences' impressions and actions in advanced stages.
  • Responsible for the brand personality: one of the importance of brand identity is adding personality for your brand by determining a brand tone that helps you to create a voice for the brand in order to deliver the company's message.
  • Make it different: there are many competitors in your industry and you want to create the differentiation, your special identity will take over. To achieve this goal you must study competitors' brand identity and be creative when you create your own.
  • Build your customers' loyalty: if you succeed in designing a creative brand identity and use it wisely in your marketing channels to share people their days, you will gain loyal customers who trust the brand.
  • Brand packages create awareness: if you want to launch an awareness campaign, you can use brand identity packages like business cards, pens, notebooks, flyers, and other materials to make your brand memorable.


What are the elements of brand identity?

After knowing some details about brand identity and its importance, in your opinion, what elements do you have to make to say that you built a strong brand identity? I think your answer included logo, font, colors, and style. Are these elements enough? And how to be sure that you choose the right element for your brand? That is what I will talk about in the following lines. There are 6 elements To build a brand identity.. and here is them:

Create brand logo

This element may take a long time to determine the perfect one for your brand. Draw it on paper, try to create more than one then start to choose the one that delivers your message. Therefore you need to study all logos of the competitors to be able to create your creative one.

You can make it as a text or use shapes to create it. All you need to be careful about is to make it simple, different, and memorable. you can use design programs to create it or hire a designer to make it to you.


Fonts and colors

These two elements stay as long as your brand stays with people's minds. If you see a yellow color with an informal font, MacDonald’s will come to your mind. For such moments you decide what is the font and colors you want to use. Our tip here is to make the font readable as you will use it with most of your designs. Besides using a special color after reading some details about color theory.


Brand Style

In this stage you have to determine the style you want people to see your brand in. Do you want it to be funny or serious? Want to use real photos or designed ones? Want to use pop art with your designs or prefer videos?..etc


Shapes, Lines, and Themes

Here you need to determine what shapes you will use for the brand identity. Do you want to use round shapes to create a feeling of unity or use straight shapes to create a feeling of strength? Do you want to use straight lines or Curvy to create a feeling with a move?  You must determine the theme you will use and make it so creative. Like Coca-Cola's theme "Open Happiness" or Nike's theme "Just do it".

Finally, you can easily create your brand identity be tasmimak help. It has a group of professional designers to help you, it’s very easy to use if you want to create it by yourself. So try it and tell us about your experience