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How to schedule your day for maximum success

You don’t know how to set a daily schedule that succeeds? 

Everyone is trying to set a schedule that will match his needs and priorities. We face days that are so full of tasks and sometimes, the day ends without doing these tasks but others. Moreover, the day after, we will face double tasks as we didn’t do the tasks of the other day and so on we enter into a cycle of stress and overload. What do you say if we can avoid all this stress and we can have a perfect daily schedule? Daily schedules are important as they can turn your day into a productive one with many achievements. An achievement doesn’t have to be meeting a huge project deadline; it could be several small achievements that will definitely reflect on the whole at the end. Cooking a good meal is an achievement, finishing the task is an achievement, and reading a book is an achievement. And designs will be a tool to help you to do like a to do list for your work and study and do not forget to use several colors to make you encourage to do it.

The Best  Methods of a Daily Schedule:

The Most Important Task Method (MIT)

This method is mainly addressing the priorities that you have in your day. This method is one of the methods recommended by schools of business management. The MIT is done when you recognize three important daily tasks that are priority and you focus on accomplishing them rather than writing a long to do list and ending the day with finishing 2 of them that are not essential. After you are done with the 3 essential tasks ,you can do some of the other tasks. According to a book called “ The One Thing”, it recommends that you carry a task in the week that is different than any other task on  a weekly basis. This method is very effective as after you accomplish the most important three tasks, you will be making a progress in priorities. 

How it is done? You can do it by identifying the most three essential elements with ignoring other tasks, then you start blocking time slots that are set for these only tasks. It will be saving your most productive hours of the day for the priorities. This method helps you to not waste time on non essential tasks and get you focused on the essential ones. 

The Pomodoro Technique

This method is amazing and very effective. It requires that you would be dividing the task into short intervals by making it as intervals and then, focus on finishing it and then, have a break. It is very simple and it just all about time. It is the breaking down of a big task into small tasks on time intervals. 

How it works? It is done by choosing a task and setting the time for example to 25 minutes. Don’t be distracted by any other task until the time is done. Once the time is done and the task, take a break for 5 minutes. Every 4 Pomodoro tasks and time intervals, you can have a longer break for 15 minutes or 30 minutes. 

The benefits of this technique is that it helps in the accomplishment of many tasks over the day by allowing you to notice the time and not waste it all in one task. 

90-Minute Focus Sessions

According to science, the human body has cycles of operation. The cycle is called ultradian rhythm and every cycle will be having a peak and it will be having a trough. The peak is when the person is very energetic and the trough, when the person is very exhausted to focus. In the 90 minutes cycle, you can have the focus and it will allow us to estimate the most energetic time that we focus on in 90 minutes and then, we take rest for 20-30 minutes as trough moments. People would understand these focus periods and they would be having coffee and other power stimulants in the time they are exhausted. When you work for 90 minutes, it will allow you to have full focus in the tasks that you have and then, you will be very productive. You are understanding your body and listening to it. 

Polyphasic Sleep Method

This method is considered as a bizzare method as it works with few people. However, these people become very productive when they are using it. You can see if it works for you as when it meets your routine, you will be able to be very productive. 

This method is about understanding the people and their needs. Some people would sleep in one chunk and they are called monophasic sleepers. Some others are biphasic sleepers and it is when they would e sleeping in two phases as for example, they would sleep for 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the late evening. Other group of people is polyphasic sleepers and they would be having the sleep in many short phases that would allow them to have less sleep and yet, they are very productive. The amount of sleep in phases differs from one person to another; some people would sleep 20 minutes in the phases while others would sleep more. The polyphasic would be that the person for example has 3.5 hours to sleep at night and then, they would be having naps of about 20 minutes through the day. This method would make them have more time to work and they would be more energetic and focused. 

Finding The Ideal Mix

This method would be having mix between two more mechanisms. It will be a hybrid schedule. You can be able to have the MIT and at the same time, the Time Blocking Method. 

Do whatever meets your needs but you have to schedule your day, if you didn’t schedule your day and prioritize your life, And share it with your friend by facebook post and share your experience.